Since these awards are unsolicited or
applied for,they are a great thrill to recieve &
I am grateful for each & every
I was very surprised & delighted to be
given my first award, from a very special lady.
~Thank you so much Angel for this honor.~
Another surprise from another very nice
lady. Thank you MsVorlon For this award.
I am very honored & surprised to recieve this
ultimate of awards from Warp-Speed, who has one
of the best html tutorals on the web. I learned a lot from him. Thank you Jim
The surprises keep coming this prestigious award
is from Dr. Draac, my 1st html teacher. Thanks Doc I am honored,
For The Week Of 3/21/99
Two awards in one day I'm thrilled
Thank You
This is from a very talented
Thank You Sandy
Thank you Momma for choosing my site as your
"Pick of the Week"