This is about some special people who have helped me in my quest to do this home page.

When I first connected to webtv in July,1998, I used it mainly for e-mail and surffing the web, till one day in Aug. I accidently stumbled into, alt.discuss html. I didn't even know what html meant. I was impressed by all the decorated e-mails and hung around reading all the posts, which led me to places like Draac's School of html--Owen's 4 Tools (special thanks to Cathy & John)--Warp Speed's Help Site--Slowpoke's Help Site- I soon learned to decorate my own e-mail which lead me to start my Home Page,but credit goes to the above and many,many others who helped me unknowingly by answering others questions,that I learned from.
Thank you all.~Anne~

Owens 4 Tools

Warp-Speed's Help Site

Slow poke's Help Site

I Was Honored To Have My Site Featured In Net4TV Voice.

Octobe 24 1999




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